Monday, August 11, 2008

Mute Monday: Western (Wear)

I love me some shoes :) Rainbow Style!


Jenny said...

I think Moi is going to love these pictures as much as I do. Great idea. Happy MM!

moi said...

AWESOME interpretation of the theme! I've been wearing cowboy boots since I was a little kid and find them to be some of the most comfortable shoes I can put on my feet. That being said, that third pair? They could feel like daggers and I'd still wear them for their sheer fabulosity. Be still my heart.

The Phosgene Kid said...

I used to wear cowboy boots all the time. Then I came out to AZ and I don't see how the cowboys did it- just to frikkin' hot to wear leather all the way up your calf. I've switched to sneaks and just keep a sharp eye out for cactus and critters.

h said...

Now THOSE are some boots. Very very very cool. But you need to say "I'm UP!" at MM headquarters. On Monday.

Happy Mute Monday (tuesday)!