What better than a day filled with pooches as far as the eye can see. With bones to be chewed, butts to smell and pampering, Jiggles eagerly stared down the door. As if she knew what lied ahead that sunny morning. Then off we were to Jiggles-
topia. A land (park) filled with new friends and new smells. I have yet to see some cuter faces than those on 4 legs at that park. Their licks and wags and happy thoughts eased the
hanging reminder that my benefit was only a day away. Nothing sooths the nerves like an honest, whole hearted lick or nudge from a heart that only wants your love. Even if it is for the time being.
Easy Access
.....You smell funny.....

This melted my heart

A water dog at heart
She SMOKED the dog before her

Beautiful Dog
Like the collar says "Bad to the Bone"
A bond not easily broken
Val thoughts "this is why dogs bite people"....
happiest dog on the block
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