Sunday, April 19, 2009

More Details to Come

I know I have been terrible at updating my blog. There has been a whole slew of changes to my life, but all have a positive blessing to them. There was the most amazing message today at church about just surrendering to God's love and letting him guide your life even though you may not know the destination. I definitely have questions of where I'm going and how I'm going to get there, but recently there has been this desire for more and more of his work in my life. 

Here's the scoop of my life recently and a "wham, bam, thank you mam" format.

1. I got a new job as an Administrative Assistant at a chiropractors office.

2. I recently entered the singles category as some of you already may have known.

3. I moved into a great house with 5 awesome room mates and 1 sweet dog.

4. I've visited Oregon a couple of times and feel a strong pull to my hometown. 

5. I become comfortable with my ridiculous, always positive, super cheery attitude that in the past has kept me a bit reserved since I never wanted to be "that silly girl who can't stop smiling" Its true, I can't and I wont :)

So yeah, much more to come soon. The sun is out and I cannot focus on a blog while there's time to play outside!

1 comment:

Chauncy Faulkner said...

Thumbs up to your lessons learned!! Especially glad that you're comfortable with the real Edith now.