Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Holy smokes I actually did it. I decided to pursue a real life grown up job! I took photos of a wedding this weekend and it went very well. All my prayers, thank you for all the ones I received from others, were answered and I truly believe that God has blessed me with a talent that I can love and grow into. I have decided to start my own photography business. It's not going to be huge or expensive because I am still learning. However, I will be able to grow in this profession as I advance in my skill level as well.

Keep your eyes open. Soon this website will be no more and my photography blog will be up and running. Oh the name of my company?...

"Simply Kissed Photography"
"Simply Memorable, Simply Treasured, Simply Captured, Simply Kissed Photography"


Friday, June 12, 2009

Garner Girls Photo Shoot

Okay, I would write more, but I'm waaay past my bedtime. It's almost midnight and I have to be up by 5am...shoot. I took my two sisters out on a photo shoot recently. I made them be my models for a day. So click on the caption under the photo and enjoy :)