Sunday, March 22, 2009

Single Life, Chapter Two

I'm not a huge fan of the phrase "break up". It has such a negative connotation. When people say it they associate anger, yelling, hurt, tears, sadness. The end to relationships are not all the same.

Mine, was fairly pleasant actually. I won't lie. The end to a relationship sucks. I love Jed very much and he loves me. We will miss each other a lot, but that isn't what makes a relationship work. Jed and I had a long talk the other day. This was a decision that was foreseen, but not addressed. Eventually, the truth of the matter came out in a very mature and practical conversation.

Life has brought many things to Jed and I. We have had ups and downs, twists and turns. Through the years we have gone through a lot together. We have shared many memories together. We have learned to live life together. There is a big love that Jed and I have for each other. It is this love that has helped us realize that some things are more important than others.

Through these years we have grown and developed into wonderful, mature people who are not necessarily the same people we were when we started dating. We've developed different interests, hobbies and preferences.

At the end we both realize that at this time we are just at different places in our lives. Our pasts, similar in nature, have made us aware of how important it is to be honest in a relationship. Rather than force a relationship that isn't working, we wanted to end this with a friendship beautifully intact.

Jed and I are still great friends. I'm staying where I am until I find a great house with some nice room mates. I know I can count on him whenever I need. He knows I'm always here for him. Someday I will meet my christian husband and we will have a house chock full of kiddos. I know that some girl, who is better fit for him, will make him very happy and look great on the back of his motorcycle.

So...break up? No not really. The beginning of a great friendship? Yes. I like that much better :)


Anonymous said...

Well, Good for you, sweetie. That's very mature. At least you guys were honest about it. I don't know if I could maintain a friendship given the nature of how things went/are going. But, that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. No?

rknight said...

Keep your eyes open to the bigger picture. You will one day find the perfect guy for you. In the mean time, and even in your next relationship due the things that make you happy. It will make life a lot better.

chickory said...

this is great news! your uncle and i were just talking about this very thing. i am glad i got to meet Jed but i could sense in the short time we were together that it wasnt going to fly. and im glad!

life is a series of experiences that you fine tune down to the essential things. its good to know what you want. you are an exceptional catch and will be the vivacious center of a family one day. youve got a shining bright life force to you.

have you worn your tights with the peacock feathers?