Sunday, May 31, 2009

Photo Update!

Yeay! I'm finally done editing photos! It only took forever and a day.

So the first set is when I took photos for Jessie and her daughter Cierra. Note to self, make sure the child has a nap before a photo shoot and that there is stuff to entertain her. I was pleased with this shoot although it was a learning experience.

The next group is of the Oregon Coast. Cody planned this whole surprise outing! It was very sweet. We went to the beach. Thirty minutes on the beach and the dog cut his pad. He was so happy he didn't even notice. We called a doctor and got instructions to bandage it and then cover it with duct tape...yes duct tape. Then we had a really nice time, a candle lit hot dog dinner
and would have watched the sunset if it hadn't gotten overcast. It was the sweetest thing ever.


chickory said...

wow. i loved the photos from the beach. just marvelous. you got some great action shots of the boy and his dog....loved the one where the sand was kicked up. cute photo of dog tiny in the grassy hill thing. boyfriend is cute and you look happy. what a beach -amazing how the wind has shaped the trees. i like the water photo too. dog asleep at the picnic. A+++++! very nice Edith. you are a good phtog. keep em coming.

love to you sweet pea. xoxoxo

Yvonne said...

Edith, I loved the pics. You need to write articles and send them in with the photos to some magazines in Oregon.

You got some mad skills sista, use them. ;)